ronald g. minnich

ronald g. minnich

Ron Minnich has been working in Unix kernels since 1976. Along the way, he started the LinuxBIOS, a.k.a. coreboot; oreboot; u-root (; LinuxBoot; and other projects. He is currently employed as a Senior Principle Engineer in the Systems Research Lab at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technolgy.

Tamago and tinygo: working with firmware and kernel written in Go!

Tamago and TinyGo are Go compilers for bare metal; both firmware and small kernels have been written using them. In this talk, I will describe what I have learned by working with these two compilers; discuss the benefits of having the Go runtime available in firmware; provide a demo of each in action; and close by describing how they have turned my preconceptions about firmware languages on their head.